Late actor Rishi Kapoor, a legendary figure in Indian cinema, was a versatile actor known for his charismatic performances. With a career spanning over five decades, the late actor left an indelible mark on Bollywood, captivating audiences with his acting prowess and charm. However, did you know that once, he accused Salim Khan of threatening to destroy his career? Scroll down to know more.
For the unversed, Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar collaborated on several memorable movies, creating a new wave of storytelling that resonated with audiences. Their partnership resulted in scripts that blended drama, action, and social commentary, providing a fresh perspective on storytelling in Hindi cinema. The duo gave several blockbuster films and launched several actor’s careers.
In a section dedicated to ‘fights and flare-ups’ in his life and career, Rishi Kapoor delves into numerous ‘skirmishes’ he experienced over the years with the legendary writing duo Salim-Javed, whether individually or collectively, as chronicled in his autobiography, “Khullam Khulla.”
Reflecting on a particular incident that unfolded after declining a role in the film Trishul, Rishi Kapoor recounted encountering Salim Khan at a well-known club. “I must be the first and only actor in the history of Hindi cinema to have refused Salim–Javed at their peak. I turned down Trishul because I didn’t like the way the role had shaped up. Salim and Javed bristled at my rejection, and the animosity bubbled to the surface,” he wrote, as reported by The Indian Express.
Salim Khan walked up to him and asked, “How did you have the guts to refuse Salim-Javed?” Rishi said that he didn’t like the role. Salim replied, “Do you know that to this day, nobody has said no to us? We can destroy your career.” He continued, “Who will work with you? You know, we had offered Zanjeer to Rajesh Khanna, and he turned us down. We didn’t do anything to him, but we created an alternative to him, a hero called Amitabh Bachchan, who destroyed Rajesh Khanna. We will do the same to you.”
Rishi wrote that he shrugged off the threat and got a chance to gloat when his film Amar Akbar Anthony did very well, while Salim-Javed’s Imaan Dharam flopped. While he’d later develop a mutually respectful relationship with Salim Khan, Rishi wrote that Javed Akhtar said something about his father that soured their equation irrevocably.
His contributions to the film industry included a wide range of roles, showcasing his ability to seamlessly transition between genres. Rishi Kapoor’s legacy continues to resonate, making him a beloved and enduring icon in Indian cinema.
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