Karisma Kapoor, Shah Rukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, and Madhuri Dixit starrer Dil To Pagal Hai by the legendary filmmaker Yash Chopra is still considered one of the best musical romances in Bollywood. Karisma appeared in the supporting role of Nisha, Shah Rukh’s friend, but did you know that the actress initially rejected the role for a perfectly fathomable reason? Scroll below to know the deets.
It was released in theatres in 1997 and was the highest-grossing film of that year. The movie revolves around the love lives of the members of a musical troupe, in which Madhuri and Karisma’s characters get entangled in a love triangle with SRK’s character. It received multiple accolades, and their performances were widely praised.
Hindustan Times published a report a few years back in which they shared the revelation made by Karisma Kapoor. She reportedly appeared on the singing reality show Indian Idol 12 as a guest, and there, she spoke about Dil To Pagal Hai and how she initially refused that film because of Madhuri Dixit.
Madhuri Dixit is renowned for her dancing skills, and in the film, Karisma has a dance battle with the diva. Any sane person would not compete against the dancing diva and make a fool of themselves, hence Kapoor’s hesitation. Karisma recalled, “Every single heroine refused the film. The role came to me…it was a dance film, and that too to work with opposite Madhuri Dixit they said ‘No, how can we dance alongside Madhuri Dixit ji!’ Initially, I, too, said no to it as it was a dance film and competition dance with Madhuri Dixit. I said, ‘This isn’t happening’.”
Karisma Kapoor continued, “Then finally, Yash Ji and Adi (Yash Chopra and Aditya Chopra) narrated the story to me. My mother told me, ‘You must take up the challenge. You are a big fan of Madhuri Dixit; you must do it. You work hard, and you will shine.’
Karisma Kapoor finally played the role, and she must have thanked her mother for pursuing her, as she won the National Film Award for Best Supporting Actress in 1998. On the work front, she was last seen in Murder Mubarak.
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