First, wishing the ever-charming Sharmila Tagore a belated happy birthday. She turned 80 on Sunday. The veteran actress celebrated the day with family. Now, her daughter Soha Ali Khan has shared a glimpse from the fam-jam on Instagram, which also featured Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, Kunal Kemmu and their children, Taimur Ali Khan, Jeh Ali Khan and Inaaya Naumi Kemmu. The video opens with Sharmila Tagore, sitting in a garden, looking at her phone. After this, Inaaya is seen talking to her grandmother. The clip also featured Kunal, Inaaya, and Jeh jumping in a swimming pool followed by a glimpse of Sharmila Tagore playing a spoon trick with son Saif Ali Khan. The video concluded with Sharmila and Inaaya dancing together. In the caption, Soha wrote, “The weekend we all wanted.” Reacting to the post, Konkana SenSharma wrote, “Happiest birthday wishes for Rinku Mashi!!” Shweta Bachchan dropped smiling face with heart emojis in the comment section.
On Sunday, Soha Ali Khan marked her mother’s special day with a multi-picture Instagram post. The first slide featured Soha lovingly planting a kiss on her mother’s forehead. Next, there was a picture of Sharmila Tagore with Inaaya. We also get a glimpse of Sharmila Tagore with her son, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor. “Happy birthday my Amma,” Soha Ali Khan wrote in her caption.
Sharmila Tagore was last seen in the 2023 film Gulmohar.