A few days ago, the Citadel actor shared a bunch of pictures from the sets of Citadel 2. The carousel album also features adorable pictures with daughter Malti Marie. In one click, Priyanka can be seen taking a stroll in London with Malti Marie while the little one sings. In another video, Malti Marie can be seen enjoying a ride on a swing as Priyanka pushes it to and fro. Priyanka also shared a few selfies of herself and wrote “When the glam is so good.” Priyanka captioned the album “lately” and wrote captions for each picture of the album. Take a look:
On the work front, Priyanka Chopra recently wrapped up filming for director Frank E. Flowers’ The Bluff. She shared a carousel of pictures and videos on Instagram to announce the completion of the shoot. In her caption, the actress wrote, “It’s a picture wrap on The Bluff!!! … and to do it with my family by my side and the incredible people that made this movie possible is such a privilege. This one truly has been a labour of love.”