Happy birthday, Shatrughan Sinha. The veteran actor turns 78. On the special occasion, the Bollywood legend got a special birthday wish from his daughter Sonakshi Sinha. The actress has shared a picture with her dad, which featured the duo twinning in black. Dressed in a half jacket, printed shirt and black pants, Shatrughan Sinha is seen hugging Sonakshi. She looks cool in a black shirt with denim jeans. The actress added a “Happy Birthday” sticker to the image with the text, “King Khamosh!!!” referring to Shatrughan Sinha’s famous dialogue.
Take a look:
Shatrughan Sinha’s friend Jackie Shroff, with whom he has worked in films such as Jawab Hum Denge and Yudh, also shared a heartfelt birthday wish for the actor. Jackie posted a picture featuring himself and Shatrughan Sinha on Instagram Stories. The text on the picture read, “Happy Birthday”.
Shatrughan Sinha recently appeared on The Great Indian Kapil Show with his wife Poonam Sinha, their daughter, actress Sonakshi Sinha and her husband Zaheer Iqbal. During a light-hearted conversation, Shatrughan Sinha reminisced about the first time he saw the love of his life. He mentioned that he saw Poonam Sinha on a train and she was crying at that time. He said, “I saw her for the first time on a train. I was on my way from Patna to the Film and Television Institute of India. She had come to Patna to attend a wedding and was in school at that time. Her family used to call me a cradle-snatcher. She was on the same train, and I was sitting there. My friends had come to see me off, and they were teasing her. I told them, ‘Don’t do it. I will go alone. There will be a lot of trouble on the way.’” Read all about it here
Shatrughan Sinha and Poonam Sinha reportedly got married in 1980. The couple are parents to – Luv, Kush and Sonakshi Sinha.