Salman Khan‘s mother Salma Khan turned a year older on Monday (December 9). She celebrated her 83rd birthday at her daughter Arpita’s newly launched restaurant in Mumbai. On the special occasion, Salman posted a heartfelt birthday wish for his mother on Instagram which captured her in a sweet moment with her son Sohail Khan. In the video, Salma, dressed in a floral suit, is seen dancing with her son, actor Sohail Khan. They look adorable. Speaking to the person behind the camera, Sohail laughed and said, “I’ll match her steps.” Sharing the clip, Salman wrote, “Mummmmmyyyyy happy birthday… mother India, our world.” Reacting to the post, Bobby Deol, Varun Dhawan and Gauahar Khan dropped red heart emojis in the comments section.
Fitness coach Deanne Panday, who was also present at the party, has shared some pictures from the celebration.. Her carousel post included a clip in which Salma Khan can be seen cutting a huge cake. The note attached to the post read, “Happy Birthday To Salma Aunty. You are like my mom too, love you so much. Such a blast we have had today & always.”
The Khan family has always been a close-knit unit and is often seen celebrating special occasions and festivals together. Last month, Sohail Khan shared a family photo on Instagram including his father Salim Khan and siblings Salman, Arbaaz, Arpita and Alvira. In the caption, Sohail simply wrote, “Blessed”.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan was last seen in Tiger 3 opposite Katrina Kaif. The actor is currently busy shooting his next film, Sikandar, which is slated for a 2025 release. Additionally, Salman Khan will also make a cameo appearance in Varun Dhawan’s Baby John.