The stage is set for a mega explosion tomorrow, as just one day remains until the grand release of Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2. The excitement is at its peak, and the film is doing wonders with its day 1 advance booking all across the country. After overtaking Kalki 2898 AD, the magnum opus has surpassed the final opening day pre-sales of RRR at the Indian box office, standing just below KGF Chapter 2 and Baahubali 2: The Conclusion. Keep reading for a detailed report!
As soon as the bookings for Andhra Pradesh opened, the Pushpa sequel got a mega boost. Initially, Telangana was leading the party, but now, both Telugu states are fetching gigantic pre-sales numbers. The price hike is benefitting the film immensely, but more than that, the occupancy is superb. In Telangana, the occupancy has crossed 70%, while in Andhra Pradesh, it’s almost 55%.
Talking about the entire nation, Pushpa 2 has sold tickets worth a staggering 64.10 crore gross (excluding blocked seats) through advance booking for day 1, as of 10 am IST. It includes a sale of 19.72 lakh+ tickets at the Indian box office and is inclusive of all languages and versions. Yes, the 3D release has been postponed, but it won’t cause any damage as the sales for 3D weren’t that huge to cause any impact.
Out of 64.10 crore gross, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh have contributed around 32 crores. Karnataka and Maharashtra have picked up following these two states, with day 1 advance bookings of above 5 crores already done. Among cities, Hyderabad is at the top with pre-sales of almost 15 crores.
With 64.10 crore gross already in, Pushpa 2 has registered the third highest day 1 advance booking of all time at the Indian box office. It surpassed Kalki 2898 AD’s 55.30 crores and RRR’s 59 crores to grab the spot. While the Allu Arjun starrer is expected to cross 70 crores in the final update, it will fail to beat Baahubali 2 (80 crores) and KGF Chapter 2 (80.50 crores) to enter the top 2.
Top 5 opening day pre-sales at the Indian box office (excluding blocked seats):
- KGF Chapter 2 – 80.50 crores
- Baahubali 2 – 80 crores
- Pushpa 2 – 64.10 crores (1 day to go)
- RRR – 59 crores
- Kalki 2898 AD – 55.30 crores
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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