A few days ago, Janhvi Kapoor shared a BTS reel from Devara shoot. Sharing the video, Janhvi Kapoor wrote, “BTS” and dropped a kiss emoji. What drew the Internet’s attention was Janhvi’s rumoured boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya’s comment on the video. He wrote, “Wow, who is this goddess” and dropped a love emoji. Shanaya Kapoor also dropped a series of heart emojis. Choreographer Bosco Martis wrote, “How cool.” Take a look at the video here:
During the promotions of Mr & Mrs Mahi, Janhvi Kapoor shared the qualities she looks for in her partner. In a viral video, Janhvi Kapoor said, “Mere sapno ko jo apna sapna banaye, mujhe himmat de, baraba de, mujhe khushi de, mujhe hasaye and jab me roti hu tabh bhi mera saath de (Someone who makes my dream his dream, who encourages me, supports me, who makes me happy and who stands by me when I cry).” As soon as Janhvi finished her words, the audience said, “All the best.” To this, Janhvi replied, “Why, all the best? Is it that difficult to find?” The audience replied back, “You have already found him.” Janhvi blushed and winked at these words. On Koffee With Karan 8, Janhvi revealed she fondly calls Shikhar “Shiku”.