Anushka Sharma shared a fun-filled picture on her Instagram stories. She shared a picture of a bowl full of popsicles. What caught the Internet’s attention was a glimpse of tiny hands reaching out to the bowl. No points for guessing whose hands we are talking about. This is the first time Anushka shared a glimpse of her baby boy Akaay on social media feed. Anushka didn’t write any specific caption. But we can assume the actor spent a fun-filled time with her kids in the company of a dessert treat.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma got married on December 11, 2017. They are parents to two children – Vamika and Akaay. Anushka Sharma will next be seen in Chakda ‘Xpress, a film which is based on the life of cricketer Jhulan Goswami.