Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan worked together in many films before they got married in 2007. Among those was the romcom Kuch Naa Kaho which released in 2003. The film’s director Rohan Sippy recently appeared in an interview with Friday Talkies, where he opened up about the experience of working on the movie, and also the dynamic between Abhishek and Aishwarya at the time. He mentioned that Aishwarya was a superstar already at the time while Abhishek was still fairly new, just a few films old.
During the interview, Rohan said, “Refugee had just been released and next was Bas Itna Sa Khwaab Hai. He was quite fresh at that time. I had a good informal rapport with him. On the other hand, (we had ) a superstar like Aishwarya.”
He showered a lot of praise on Aishwarya, emphasising that there is nobody like her at all. “On the craft level, there are very few actors like her. Especially, now if you see, a complete Hindi film heroine package, there have not been many after Aishwarya. Generations after her have not done that,” he candidly shared.
He also disclosed how Aishwarya encouraged and inspired him to do good during the early years of his directorial career. “Aishwarya was a complete package, just fantastic. I have learnt so much from her. Just everything, her dance and looks are on another level. Even as an actor, she is amazing. For me, it gave me a lot of confidence that she was ready to listen to me. She was far more experienced. Would have been easier for her to tell me that I know how it’s done. But, she was very encouraging and supportive, so these things help. It makes you feel good when you yourself are just beginning,” he said.
Besides Kuch Naa Kaho, Abhishek and Aishwarya have appeared together in Dhaai Akshar Prem Ke, Dhoom 2, Raavan, Umaro Jaan and Guru. The couple were in a relationship for a while before they got married on on April 20, 2007.