Shah Rukh Khan is in no mood to let his cricket venture ‘Kolkata Knight Riders’ bite the dust. His fortunes in the game of cricket might be on a major decline but that hasn’t deterred him to any extent. The actor is all set to come up with a cricket stadium in Dubai.According to reports, SRK apparently plans to open a cricketing stadium in Dubai. The actor is said to have some land in Dubai and he’s planning to develop that into a huge stadium soon. He is believed to be teaming up with some UAE based developers.
reports, SRK apparently plans to open a cricketing stadium in Dubai. The actor is said to have some land in Dubai and he’s planning to develop that into a huge stadium soon. He is believed to be teaming up with some UAE based developers.
It is learnt that SRK`s decision to take on this project comes from the fact that he wants to provide free coaching and assistance to needy and underprivileged players who cannot bear the expenses. The stadium will apparently be equipped to the hilt.
“When operational, the ground will have all the facilities to host international cricket matches and even other global sporting events. SRK is a dearly loved Indian star in the country and this is his way of giving it back to them. He will frequent the place more often than what he used to. The place might also become a venue for his stage shows in that land”, says a source.