Now its Abhishek after Aamir Khan, Shahrukh, Hrithik Roshan and Harman. As Ashutosh Gowarikar has decided to star him in lead role in ‘Khele Hum Ji Jaan Se’ in his historical based movie for which he praised a lot.
Once again Ashutosh Gowarikar has planned to show Chittagong Uprising of 1930 on silver screen.Earlier he spread his magic of direction in making historical facts-based movies like Lagaan and Jodhaa Akbar.
Ashutosh giving confirmation and says ‘Khele Hum Jee Jaan Se is inpired from the book Do and Die by Manini Chatterjee. Book is about the Chittagong Uprising of 1930 so try to potray the things in the movie.He added says ‘It will be a period-thriller film with Abhishek playing Surjya Sen.’
The one trait for which Ashutosh known for is changes starcast for his each movie and never take the artist twice in the lead role.