Bollywood’s favourite couple Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif celebrated their third wedding anniversary on Monday, December 9. After setting high goals for couples in love for three years, Katrina posted a cute wish for her “dil” and “jaan“, her husband. The actress shared a never seen before selfie of them, looking cute and chic at the same time. In the picture, Katrina is seen in a yellow outfit paired with nerdy glasses, while Vicky is in his Love And War look with a moustache, and is in a casual tshirt.
Katrina added the caption, “Dil tu, jaan tu…” along with the picture followed by a red heart emoji. The caption is based on the viral song of the same name by the musician Gurnazar.
Check out the post here:
As soon as the photo was posted, internet users flooded the comments section with wishes and love for the star couple. One user wrote, “I wanna see them in a romantic movie,” another wrote, “Hayeee Goals,” and another commented, “They both are happy with each other. I want to see them both in a movie.” Several others wished them Happy Anniversary in the comments.
Vicky and Katrina were secretly dating before they got married in 2021 in an intimate wedding ceremony held in Rajasthan. Vicky later revealed that he had proposed to Katrina just one day before their wedding. “It was very last minute. I had been warned by everybody that if you don’t propose, it’s something you’ll have to be prepared for the rest of your life that you got to hear about it. I did that one day before the wedding It was dinner just before any of the friends and families could come,” the actor had revealed on Koffee With Karan.
On the work front, Vicky is currently working on the post-production of the period drama Chhava. He is also shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love And War.