Film veteran Asha Parekh is one of the jury members of this year’s NDTV Indian Of The Year 2024. Clad in a vibrant blue saree, the actress attended the event in New Delhi on Friday. Asha Parekh was the president of the Cine Artistes’ Association from 1994 to 2000. Asha Parekh was the first female chairperson of the Central Board of Film Certification (Censor Board) of India. She held the post from 1998 to 2001 for which she received no salary, but plenty of controversy for censoring films and for not giving clearance to Shekhar Kapur’s Elizabeth. Asked about to share her views on censorship, Asha Parekh asserted censorship should be there because she feels language has seen deterioration over the years. Asha Parekh said, “There should be censorship because language is getting bad. I am totally against it.”
Speaking about making a niche in a male-dominated industry Asha Parekh said, “Cinema industry is always male-dominated. It was and it’s. I have made my position so strong that nobody can take advantage of me.” She also shared, “When I became the first chairperson of the CBFC, people try to put me down. I didn’t care and did my job only.”
Later, she became the treasurer of the Cine and Television Artists Association (CINTAA) and was later elected as one of its office-bearers.