Virat Kohli also dedicated the win to his wife. He shared a loved-up picture of himself and Anushka. They can be seen smiling their heart out. Sharing the sun-kissed photo, Virat wrote for his wife, “None of this would remotely be possible without you my love. You keep me humble, grounded and you always say it how it is with absolute honesty. I couldn’t be more grateful for you. This victory is as much yours as it’s mine. Thank you and I love you for being YOU.” Take a look:
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma got married on December 11, 2017. They are parents to two children – Vamika and Akaay. Anushka Sharma will next be seen in Chakda ‘Xpress, a film which is based on the life of cricketer Jhulan Goswami.